HomeTechnologyHow to buy NFTs? three minutes to start the NFT purchase process

How to buy NFTs? three minutes to start the NFT purchase process

Want to buy NFT artwork but don’t know where to start? This article will start with an introduction to the NFT purchase platform, supplemented by a comparison of NFT platforms: Binance and Opensea as examples of NFT purchase teaching. The trend of new virtual tokens-NFT is different from traditional financial investment commodities in the past. Investors can invest even with only a few hundred dollars. The concept of investing in NFT is very similar to investing in artworks, collecting paintings, etc. Even if users don’t pay attention to the news of the currency circle, they can get started immediately. Therefore, NFT is a new type of investment that is very suitable for petty bourgeoisie and conservative investors.

Since this article focuses on the purchased nft teaching, if you don’t know what NFT is, you can refer to the following links before entering the nft teaching:

What is NFT? Three minutes to take you to understand the latest blockchain technology – non-fungible tokens

  1. Classic NFT case


The following are friends who do not understand the concept of nft, and briefly organize some classic cases about NFT, so that users can get familiar with the market situation of nft more quickly.

A Twitter post worth more than 10 million Taiwan dollars

In March of this year, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey auctioned off one of his 15-year-old Twitter posts in the form of NFTs. The post unexpectedly ended up selling for $2.75 million (equivalent to Taiwan dollars). nearly 80 million) was bought by the CEO of a blockchain company.

A 10-second video is worth over 100 million Taiwan dollars

A few days ago, an American collector put up for auction a digital video he bought for $67,000 in October last year, and this video is from a piece called “Crossroad” by digital artist Beeple. Although the work was only 10 seconds long, it was sold for a sky-high price of 6.6 million US dollars (equivalent to about 180 million Taiwan dollars) on the NFT trading platform.

NFT not only creates a new supply and demand market, but also opens up a new path for art workers. From the above cases, it can be seen that NFT is a new type of investment target that can be expected in the future.

  1. NFT Platform Introduction

Anything in life can be made into NFT. Therefore, in the NFT trading market, there are various types of commodities, and the current NFT trading platforms are mainly foreign exchanges. If users are not used to the English interface, it will also cause difficulty in operation. Increase.

Based on the above considerations, this article will give a classified introduction according to the nature and types of commodities sold on different exchanges, so that users can quickly find a suitable NFT trading platform according to their own needs.

If you are not used to the English interface, you can also refer to the introduction of Binance Exchange in the text.

  • Cryptocurrency Exchange – Binance NFT


Compared with Opensea, Binance Exchange is larger in terms of scale, trading volume and capital. According to the ranking of the well-known rating website CoinMarketCap, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Well-known artists create and distribute limited art NFTs and blind boxes on it. Users can freely buy and sell NFTs. For each successful transaction, the creators of NFTs can get a certain percentage of commissions.

Coupled with the empowerment of Binance’s own traffic, the future cannot be underestimated.

If you have not yet registered a Binance account, you can now enjoy a lifetime 20% transaction cashback discount by opening a Binance account through the registration link of Lazy Economics. For details, please click the link below:

[Best in the whole network] Introduction to Binance: The world’s largest cryptocurrency platform, more than 100 products, handling fees, and platform security.

  • A comprehensive type of NFT exchange—Opensea


Opensea is the world’s largest NFT exchange and one of the earliest established NFT exchanges. There are many types of NFTs sold on the exchange, whether it is art, music, domain names, and games, which are suitable for users who have no specific needs for NFTs. In addition, for creators, Opensea has the most relaxed review of NFT works, and is also the preferred NFT exchange for novice artists.

  • Artwork NFT Exchange—SuperRare


SuperRare is also one of the earliest established NFT exchanges. Users can buy and sell in SuperRare to create their own artwork.

In addition, the biggest feature of SuperRare is that it is an art palace specially built for professional and well-known artists. If users want to sell their works on SuperRare, they must go through rigorous audit levels, so the audit failure rate is high. On the other hand, SuperRare has a relatively complete protection mechanism for the copyright of works. If you are a professional artist, or a creator who pays great attention to copyright issues, you can include SuperRare in the preferred list.

  • Virtual game NFT exchange—Rarible


Rarible is an exchange where game accessories are the main NFT commodities. If users want to find NFTs related to domain names and game collectibles, it is recommended to go to this website to find them.

In addition, the exchange was only established in September last year. Compared with other exchanges, its characteristic is that Rarible has issued its own platform currency RARI. If users want to get the platform currency, they can only get RARI currency as a reward by registering and using Rarible. In addition, users who hold RARI coins can participate in special activities of the Rarible platform, such as voting activities for the future development of the platform.

  1. NFT Graphical Purchase Teaching: Taking Opensea as an Example


Before officially entering Opensea’s NFT teaching, it is necessary to have an encrypted wallet account. If there is no encrypted wallet, you cannot conduct buying and selling transactions on any NFT trading platform.

If you don’t have an encrypted wallet, you can follow the steps of the pre-operation to set it up. If you already have a wallet, you can try to log in to Opensea. If you can’t log in, you need to check whether Opensea supports the wallet.

Step1. Pre-work

NFT purchase teaching, taking Opensea as an example, before officially entering the purchase teaching, you must complete three pre-requisites first, first, register an encrypted wallet, buy ether, and finally, link the wallet address to Opensea

  • Register an encrypted wallet


Unlike general exchanges that require users to register an account on the website before using an account, on Opensea users can directly access the platform as long as they have an account with an encrypted wallet in advance. If the user has not registered an encrypted wallet, the author recommends to choose one of the two wallets Trust wallet and Metamask to register.

Metamask is an exclusive wallet for Ethereum. It is more convenient for users to use Metamask when using services related to Ethereum.

Trust wallet is an encrypted wallet under Binance Exchange, and Binance, as the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has excellent operating conditions and reputation, so users do not have to worry about the disappearance of assets stored in Trust Wallet.

For friends who want to know how to register for Trust Wallet, you can refer to the following link, which contains a complete diagram of the process and deposit teaching:

【Registration Offer】Introduction to Trust Wallet: The most practical cryptocurrency wallet, illustrated operation process, deposit teaching, service content

  • Buy Ether

On Opensea, if users want to buy any works, they need to use ether as the payment currency, so after registering the encrypted wallet, they need to buy some ether, but don’t worry, although NFT-related works have repeatedly hit the market in price New highs, but on the NFT trading platform, there are still many works that can be purchased for only a few dozen dollars.

If you don’t know how to buy, you can refer to the introduction link of Trust wallet, which has a complete deposit instruction.

  • Link the wallet address to Opensea

After the wallet registration is completed, just open the QR code scanner in the mobile wallet and scan the QR code of Opensea to log in.

Step2. After entering the homepage, click “Marketplace” on the upper right

NFT purchase teaching, take Opensea as an example, after entering the homepage, click Marketplace on the upper right to purchase NFT

In addition, in the “Rankings” column below Stats, you can see the current popular NFT works on Opensea, which is a very important reference information for users when selecting NFT works.

Step3. Select an NFT work, click buy, and complete the order


NFT purchase teaching, taking Opensea as an example, after selecting an NFT work, click “Buy now” to complete the NFT order




For novice investors in the currency circle, it is often difficult to study the technology and services related to the currency circle because of the rigid professional terms in the currency circle. As a new investment target in the currency circle, NFT, compared with Bitcoin mining, has It is closer to the life of ordinary people, and the operational threshold required to invest in NFT is also very low. Even people who know nothing about the currency circle can easily participate in NFT investment transactions. Therefore, whether you have been exposed to the currency circle or not, you can Go to the NFT exchange introduced above to explore.

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