HomeEducationWhat is artificial intelligence?

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines. This intelligence has become very common in today’s world. The purpose of artificial intelligence is to simplify human endeavors and help us make better decisions. Artificial intelligence involves mimicking natural intelligence in machines programmed to learn and imitate human actions. These machines can learn through experience and do things like humans do. There are different points of view on the question of what is artificial intelligence:

The average person, with a superficial understanding of technology, associates them with robots and imagines them as a character who can act and think on their own.

Experts define this concept as a set of algorithms that can perform results without the need for explicit instructions; So in a nutshell, the meaning of this concept is as follows:

Intelligent man-made creature

The ability to do things intelligently and without explicit instructions

Able to think and act logically and humanely

A quick look at the history of artificial intelligence

The term was first coined in 1956 by a scientist named Marvin Minsky at Dartmouth College. Here are some of the experts who brought the term to its current status.

  • Charles Babbage
  • John von Neumann
  • Alan Turing
  • Marvin Minsky
  • Oliver Selfridge
  • John McCarthy
  • Allen Newell
  • Herbert A. Simon
  • Joseph Weisenbaum
  • Edward Feigenbaum
  • Warren McCullough
  • Walter Bates
  • Donald
  • Marvin Minsky
  • Dean Edmonds
  • Isaac Asimov
  • Arthur Samuel
  • George Town
  • JC Show
  • Herbert Geller

From a technical point of view, the goal of this intelligence is to help human capabilities to make advanced decisions using far-reaching effects. From a philosophical point of view, this intelligence can help people lead a meaningful life without doing any hard work. This concept helps in managing the complex network of individuals, companies, governments and nations in order to continue their activities in a way that benefits all individuals.

Today, the goal of AI is shared with all the different tools and strategies that have been invented over the past thousand years. Artificial intelligence was also presented as the ultimate human invention. This concept includes creativity and an approach that invents tools and services that dramatically change the way of human life, and it is hoped that this technology will eliminate conflict, inequality and human suffering. Of course, the foregoing concerns the distant future and humans are still far from these results. Nowadays, companies often use this concept to improve process efficiency, automate resource-heavy tasks, and business forecasts based on static data rather than real feelings.

How can the compatibility of artificial intelligence with human behavior be measured?

  • Turing test
  • Cognitive Modeling Approach
  • Law of Thought Approach
  • Rational factor approach

In the following, we will develop the above methods:

Turing test

The basis of the Turing test is that this intelligence must be able to communicate with a human factor. The ideal human factor should not conclude that the other side is artificial intelligence. The following characteristics are necessary in this intelligence to achieve the stated objectives:

Natural language processing for successful communication

The act of representing knowledge as the memory of that knowledge

Automatic reasoning for using stored information to answer new questions and conclusions

Machine learning to identify patterns and adapt to new situations

Cognitive Modeling Approach

The cognitive modeling approach attempts to build a model of this intelligence based on human cognition. There are three ways to analyze the function of the human brain:

Introspection: present ideas and build a pattern based on them

Psychological experiments: conducting experiments on humans and observing their behavior

Brain imaging: Using MRI to observe how the brain works in different scenarios and replicating through code

An approach to the rules of thought

The laws of thought include an extensive list of logical assumptions that govern the functioning of the human mind. The rules of thinking can be codified and applied to the algorithms of this intelligence. Issues with this approach require many subtleties; Because rigorously solving the problem and according to the rules of thinking by solving problems in practice can be completely different from each other. There are also actions that humans take without being completely sure of the outcome. These measures may not include reproducible algorithms if there are different parameters.

Rational factor approach

The rational agent’s approach works to achieve the best possible result in his present condition. According to the law of thought approach, the entity should act according to logical issues; But there are cases where the action does not go with the correct logic and has many consequences. The rational agent approach attempts to make the best possible choice in the present situation and is therefore a more dynamic and stable agent.

How does artificial intelligence work?

Building a system of such intelligence involves the meticulous process of reverse engineering human features and capabilities into a machine and using its computing power to surpass human capabilities. To understand how this intelligence works, it is necessary to conduct in-depth studies in various sub-fields and study how these areas are applied in different areas of the industry.

Machine Learning: ML teaches a machine how to infer and make decisions based on past experience. It would then be necessary to identify patterns and analyze past data to elicit the meaning of these data points to arrive at a possible conclusion without having to include human experience in work instructions. This automation saves companies time to achieve results by evaluating data and helping them make better decisions.

Deep Learning: Deep learning is a machine learning technique. It is machine learning to classify, infer and predict results by processing the input through layers.

Neural networks: Neural networks work on the same principles as human neurons. It is a set of algorithms that visualize the relationship between the various variables below and process the data like the human brain.

Natural Language Processing: NLP is the science of reading, comprehending, and interpreting language by means of a machine. Natural language processing responds by understanding the purpose of the machine accordingly.

Computer vision: Computer vision algorithms attempt to understand an image by analyzing an image and studying different parts of objects. This helps machines to categorize a set of images and learn from them to get a better output based on previous observations.

Cognitive computations: Cognitive computational algorithms attempt to simulate text, speech, images, and objects in the human brain by analyzing the text.

Types of artificial intelligence

Different entities of this intelligence are created for different purposes. This intelligence can be categorized into different categories from different perspectives. Here are two common categories:

section One:

Thin Artificial Intelligence (ANI)

The thin model is currently the most common mode of this intelligence. These systems are designed to solve a problem and can perform well. As is evident from the definition of this concept, they have limited capabilities and include things like recommending a product to an e-commerce user or forecasting the weather. So far, ANI is the only type of intelligence that exists externally. Such technologies can approach and in many cases outperform human performance in very specific areas, but this is only possible in highly controlled environments with a range of parameters.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence is still a theoretical concept and has not been implemented in practice. A generic model is a type of intelligence that has a cognitive function at the human level and includes a wide range of areas such as language processing, image processing, computational performance, and reasoning.

An AGI system should consist of thousands of ANI systems that operate continuously and communicate with each other to imitate human thinking. So far, even with more advanced computing systems and infrastructures such as Fujitsu K or Watson IBM, a one-second simulation of neural activity has taken 40 minutes to execute. This time represents the enormous complexity and interconnectedness of the human brain and the enormous challenges of creating AI with existing human resources.

Artificial Intelligence Cloud (ASI)

Human intelligence has not yielded results yet and is currently a purely scientific and fictional subject, but this is considered a logical progression from Artificial General Intelligence. The ASI system can transcend all human capabilities. These skills include decision making, logical thinking, and even things like making better art and creating romantic relationships.

Once ASIs are available, ASI systems can rapidly improve their capabilities and advance into areas that may be a dream for humans today. Although the gap between AI and AI is relatively small (up to one nanosecond according to some sources), despite the challenges of the general approach, it appears that this step will be achieved in the distant future.

In what areas is artificial intelligence used?

This approach is used in various fields to provide insights into user behavior and make data-driven recommendations; For example, Google’s predictive search algorithm uses past user data to predict the searches of the next user in the search bar. Netflix uses the user’s historical data to recommend movies that best suit their interests. Facebook uses users’ historical data to automatically make suggestions for tagging friends based on facial features in photos. This intelligence is used in various places by large organizations to simplify the lives of end users. In general, applications of this intelligence fall into the category of data processing and include the following:

Search data and refine search to deliver the most relevant results

Boolean chains of conditional logic applied to the execution of a series of statements based on parameters

Relationship recognition to identify important patterns in a large data set to gain unique insights

Use possible models to predict future outcomes

What are the benefits of artificial intelligence?

The benefits of this technology in human life are not hidden from anyone. This concept ranges from music advice, roadmaps, and banknotes to fraud prevention and more. There is a fine line between progress and destruction, and there is always a double-edged sword, as with artificial intelligence. Here are some of the benefits of this intelligence:

  • Reduce human error
  • 24.7 available
  • Help with repetitive tasks
  • Digital assistant
  • Faster decisions
  • Rational decision maker
  • Medical applications
  • Security improvement
  • Effective communication

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence requirements

Here are some basic requirements to learn this science:

  • Strong mastery of mathematics including calculus, statistics and probability
  • Sufficient experience in programming languages ​​such as Java or Python
  • High proficiency in understanding and writing algorithms
  • Strong background in data analysis skills
  • Optimum Efficiency in Discrete Mathematics
  • Interested in learning machine language?
  • Artificial intelligence applications in everyday life
  • Here is a list of applications of this knowledge that humans use in their daily lives:

Online Shopping: This knowledge is used in online shopping to provide personalized recommendations to users based on their previous searches and purchases.

Personal Digital Assistants: Smartphones use this intelligence to provide personalized services. Digital personal assistants can answer questions and help users organize their daily activities effortlessly.

Machine translation: Language translation software based on this intelligence can help users understand other languages ​​by providing translation, translation and language recognition.

Cyber ​​Security: This technology can help identify and combat cyberattacks based on pattern recognition and repel attacks.

Artificial Intelligence Against Coronavirus: This intelligence was used in Covid-19 to detect outbreaks, process healthcare claims and track the spread of disease.

Artificial intelligence applications in commerce

This technology has the potential to change many industries with a wide range of possible uses. What all these different industries have in common is that they rely on data. Here is a look at the industries in which this intelligence is currently shining:



These systems assist in daily human tasks to reduce human error and increase efficiency. Transcription of medical notes through NLP to aid in patient information makes it easier for clinicians to read them.


Non-emergency patients can call the hospital’s artificial intelligence system to analyze their symptoms. Patients can enter their vital signs and assess the need for their medical care. This will reduce the workload of medical professionals and better inform them of emergencies.

Auxiliary Diagnostics

Through computer vision and convolutional neural networks, this intelligence can read MRI scans for tumors and other malignancies much faster than radiologists and with a lower error rate.

Robot-assisted surgery

Robotic surgeries have a very low error rate and can be performed continuously around the clock without stress. Because they work with such a high degree of accuracy, they are less aggressive than traditional methods, reducing the time patients spend in the hospital to recover.

Monitor vital statistics

A person’s health status is an ongoing process that depends on the various levels of vital statistics involved. Today, this data is not available in the mass market due to the huge popularity of coverage devices and is only waiting for analysis to provide practical insights.


Effective recommendations

Effective suggestions are often one of the first examples of people being asked about business applications of this intelligence. This is because this intelligence has produced tremendous results in the field of digital marketing. Most of the big business people use this knowledge to suggest to their audience their favorite product recommendations and ensure the profitability of their business.


Chats are one of the best advantages of this technology. Chat has the ability to serve customers around the clock and reduce workforce.

Filter out spam and fake comments

It is impossible to screen the human eye for harmful content due to the large volume of reviews received on sites such as Amazon. Through the power of Neuro Verbal Programming, this technology can scan and filter investigations of suspicious activity to create a better buyer experience.

Search Engine Optimization

One of the most important factors in e-commerce is that users search for and have the ability to find their needs. This knowledge improves search results based on thousands of parameters to ensure users find exactly what they want.


This science is used to forecast the demand for different products at different time periods so that marketers can manage their inventory to meet the demand.


Create a work culture

This information is used to analyze employee data and put it into appropriate teams, assign projects based on their competencies, gather feedback about the workplace, and try to predict whether employees are about to quit.


Through the science of Neuro Verbal Programming (NLP), this intelligence can review thousands of resumes in a matter of seconds and ensure that a person is a good fit. Given that this method is free from any human error or bias, it is beneficial and significantly reduces the length of employment periods.

Artificial intelligence

  • The best applications in artificial intelligence
  • Predictions based on artificial intelligence from Google like Google Maps
  • Spam filters in emails
  • Hackers and plagiarism tools
  • Face recognition
  • Research Recommendations
  • Voice to text conversion features
  • Intelligent personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, and more
  • Fraud Protection and Prevention
  • Facebook clock
  • Recommendations from Facebook friends
  • Self-driving cars
  • Robo Consulting
  • Chatbots
  • Spam filters
  • Netflix Recommendations
  • Health care preventive measure
  • Disease mapping
  • Automated financial investment
  • Virtual travel agency
  • Social Media Monitoring

Robots in artificial intelligence

The field of robotics was advancing before this intelligence became a reality. This technology helps robots to innovate faster and more efficiently by building efficient robots. The combination of these two technologies has found many applications in the vertical marketing and industrial sectors, especially in the manufacturing and packaging industries. Here are some of the applications of robots in this technology:


This intelligence combined with advanced vision systems can help correct real-time intervals. It also helps robots determine the best course of action for a given process in action.

customers service

Robots equipped with this intelligent information are used to provide customer service in the retail and hospitality industries. These bots use natural language processing to intelligently interact with customers like a human, and learn more by increasing the interaction of systems with humans and the aid of machine learning.


This knowledge enables faster, cheaper and more accurate filling. This helps provide and continuously correct the specific movements of the robots, and facilitates the installation and movement of robotic devices.

Open source bots

Today, automated systems are sold as open source devices with the capabilities of this intelligence. In this way, users can train bots to perform customized tasks based on a specific application; For example, we can mention the small agricultural industry.

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