HomeEducationTop 10 Chinese University Rankings 2022

Top 10 Chinese University Rankings 2022

The 2021 Chinese University Rankings hosted by Wu Shulian, the head of the “Chinese University Evaluation” research group of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, were announced. The Wu Shulian 2021 Chinese University Rankings released this time are 772 public general undergraduate colleges and universities funded by the state. Mainly by comprehensive strength, natural science, social science, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, management, art and other 12 disciplines, 697 undergraduate majors. The order in which Chinese universities choose schools, the employment quality of undergraduate graduates, the rate of graduation of undergraduates, the quality of freshmen, the average academic level of teachers, and the efficiency of teachers’ teaching and research as evaluation indicators. Compared with last year, the 2021 evaluation indicators will increase provincial awards and change the source of works.

From the 2021 comprehensive strength rankings, the top two are unsurprisingly won by Tsinghua University (136.37 points) and Peking University (127.48 points). The third place is Zhejiang University (120.48 points), the fourth to tenth places are: Shanghai Jiaotong University (103.21 points), Wuhan University (96.93 points), Nanjing University (83.27 points), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (83.17 points) , Fudan University (82.39 points), Sichuan University (81.56 points), Jilin University (81.05 points). From the top ten list, there is almost no difference from the comprehensive strength ranking in 2020.

From the list, five out of the top ten are swept up by the Nine-School Alliance. The Nine-School Alliance, or C9 for short, is China’s first university alliance among top universities. It was launched in October 2009. The members of the alliance are the first batch of first-class universities under the key construction of the “985 Project”, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 9 colleges and universities, regardless of the national positioning, the number of three awards, the number of national emphasis laboratories, scientific research strength, talent training, research retention rate, or employment rate, these 9 colleges have long been in the forefront of the country! There is no doubt about its true strength.

The national average admission rate of 985 universities is about 1.68%, and C9, as the strongest group of 985 members, is even more difficult to get admission. Among the 9.75 million people who took the college entrance examination in 2018, C9 enrolled more than 37,000 people in total. The national average acceptance rate is only 0.4%. The C9 alliance school not only has absurdly high scores, but also has strong comprehensive strength. Like this kind of “other people’s school”, what ability do candidates have to be admitted?

Let’s take the data of C9 colleges and universities in Sichuan Province’s college entrance examination as an example to see how many scores of ordinary candidates can be favored by the C9 alliance.

From the point of view of science, Xi’an Jiaotong University has the lowest admission score in comparison, with a score of 658 for shifting, which is more than 129, and the ranking for shifting is 3290, which means that the candidate’s college entrance examination score in the province is ranked 3290. Have the opportunity to be transferred by this college.

Because most of the schools in the C9 alliance are majored in engineering, the requirements for liberal arts are relatively low. For example, in Harbin Institute of Technology, the first grade of liberal arts is 591 points, and if it exceeds the first grade, it is 64 points. The second 2037, that is to say, the candidate’s college entrance examination score ranking in the province is 2037, in order to have the opportunity to be transferred by this college. This admission score is even lower than the non-985 Suzhou University.

In other words, C9 is not as unattainable as others say. If you want to be admitted to the university of your dreams, you have to put in more effort and hard work. The results do not necessarily depend on the efforts you make in a short period of time, most of them come from the energy accumulated in your three years of high school. Calm your mind, find your goals, and your results will be worth your efforts in the end.



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